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Privacy Policy

The Law Office of Baker Estate Planning has prepared this website to present only general information. This website is not intended as legal advice, nor should you consider it as such. You should not act, or decline to act, based upon the contents of this website. While we try to make sure that the information on our website is complete and accurate, laws can change quickly. You should always formally engage a lawyer of your choosing before taking actions which have legal consequences.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.
We welcome your calls, letters and e-mail, but please keep in mind that merely contacting the Law Office of Baker Estate Planning does not establish an attorney-client relationship between us, nor do we undertake any obligation to respond simply because you have contacted us. Before we can accept any new client, our professional obligations require that we determine whether or not there are any actual or potential conflicts with existing or former clients. Thus, absent express notification from us, you cannot assume that an attorney-client relationship exists.
Accordingly, you should not send confidential information to us, via this website or otherwise, until you have been notified in writing by us that a formal attorney-client relationship has been established. There is no guarantee that information sent without that notification will be kept as confidential.
If you already are a client of the Law Office of Baker Estate Planning, please note that Internet E-mail may not be secure, and that you should not send sensitive or confidential information through Internet E-mail unless it is properly encrypted.
This website contains links to other websites on the Internet. These links are for convenience and information purposes only. The Law Office of Baker Estate Planning cannot and does not endorse, recommend, sponsor or review the accuracy of the information, products or services contained in those websites.